Mystery of the Knysna Elephants

Famous South African author Daleen Matthee was well known for “Kringe in die Bos” and “Fiela se Kind”. She passed away in 2005 .The Knysna forest was a favourite place to visit and do research. One such place is Krisjan se Nek near Rheenendal outside Knysna. In 2008 her memorial was unveiled near a 880 year old Yellow wood tree. This is now known as “Daleen Matthee Big Tree” and the “Kringe in die Bos hiking trail” is in the same area. In her books she draws attention to the “Grootvoete” mysteriously living in the forest.
These mysterious “Grootvoete” or elephants were the subject of a thorough study by Nick Carter in 1969.During the study he saw a big bull elephant ,Champion,and a pregnant female,Elderberry in the Harkerville area. In 1970 the calf “Oupoot was born and they were regularly seen next to the N2. In total he saw 10 elephants .
In 1981 only 3 elephants were thought to be left .In 1983 the skeleton of the bull was discovered and it is now on display at the Forest Legends museum in Diepwalle north of Knysna.In August 1989 the skeleton of a female was found in the Gouna area and through carbon dating it was found that she died in 1987 which was most likely Elderberry.By studing the creases on the head of the elephant as well as the outline of the ears the individual elephants can be identified.In this way Oupoot was identified.It was also found through observing her that she had had at least 1 calf .
During the 1990’s two elephants were regularly seen in the Goudveld,Oubrand and Diepwalle area.One was very shy and would normally only be heard in the forest ,while the other would not mind being seen.
A thorough study over 15 months in 2016/2017, done with cameras in the 185square kilometre elephant habitat, found only one female elephant.
In May 2024 Oupoot was last seen on the farm of Oubaas Fourie in the Karatara area.
Credit to Ryno Joubert for the research.
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